
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Extreme Golf Video! Fair Isle Lighthouse Keepers Golf Course in a Hurricane!

While the Hurricane lashes at Fair Isle one man plays Golf?
It had to be done! just for fun!


Fair Isle - No Squirrels, Just Nuts!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Storm Force Fair Isle! (watch the video)

Storm Warning Fair Isle!

Saturday Jan. 10th forecast was not good... Violent storm force 11 backed southerly and decreased gale force 8. Veering Westerly and increasing violent storm force 11 imminent, then increasing to Hurricane force 12. So that afternoon sounded like the prefect time to me to go out and take some photographs and make a video. The worse of the storm was in the night on Saturday and Sunday, but still it must of been storm force 8 or 9 while I was out there.

My Video of the storm as seen around Fair Isle.

White Wing Gulls in the South Harbour