
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Father & Son walk up top Malcolms Head

Beautiful day with my son Henry over the bank holiday weekend. 
Great to have him home even if the time is to short and goes far to fast.
We do try to make the best of it.

Just hanging.

I love Fair Isle!
especially with my boy...

Once again... thanks Jim for your creative photoshop commentary on my blog posts. LOL


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Big Yawn! More Puffins... Every one a postcard.

1. Big Yawn.
Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica

Let me know which photo you like best?
 Please, leave a comment at the bottom. I've numbered them to make it easy.

Yesterday evening I had a go with the Puffins and my camera on manual focus. I was up on the cliff edges near the North Lighthouse. Brilliant time every time. the camera loves Puffins!

2. Flash

3. The Actress.

4. The Beak.

5, The Poser.

6. The Hopeless Romantic.

7. The Sun feels Good.

8. Nesting Material.

9. Three

10. At the Edge.

9. & 10. A couple of wide shots to show the setting at the cliff tops and the setting Sun.

11. Opera Lover.

12. Deep in Thought.

13. Sunshine on my Shoulders.

Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica
Which Photograph is your Favourite?

Monday, May 04, 2015

Tawny Pipit! Lifer! Fair Isle Tick!

Tawny Pipit 

It's a Lifer and a Fair Isle Tick for me!

I was driving back from the Fair Isle landing strip, where my son just headed out late for school after a morning of fog. A car was stopped in the middle of the road, I could see the passenger had his binoculars up looking at something? I couldn't see it? I was chequeing the sky for the Osprey I had hear about at the plane... then I saw a big pale pipit in the grass? I has told it was probably a Tawny or maybe a Richard's Pipit? good thing I didn't beep! like so many people do to me when I'm looking at a bird... I didn't have my bins or camera with me at the time. (I always live to regret that.) The bird flew away with out a positive ID. Refound later by the FIBO staff who called me and I got better views and photographs! hooray!

Some of the Fibo Staff and Seabird Researchers - Fair Isle twitching on the Houll near Shirva.

Blue skies and a sunny afternoon!

Thank You! Tawny Pipit!