
Friday, August 18, 2017

It's Time to Say Goodbye to the Puffins

I felt lucky to take this Photo today,
or even see a Puffin this late in August.

I have been in the States for the past 2 weeks, and thought the Puffins would be gone before I got back. But today huge numbers were flying around the northern cliffs below the South Lighthouse. Fabulous sight to remember until Spring. I am enjoying being back on Fair Isle and it is always nice to get out for a walk with my camera and my friend Graham.


last taste of dirt for awhile....

A stunning landscape like this is hard to leave.

Wheatear on my Wire Bird Sculpture 

My Wire Bird Sculpture stuck in a post along the north lighthouse road.

Goose Barnacles

Beach Bones

Sheep Rock

Love Fair Isle

Goodbye Puffins! Be careful this Winter out at Sea...