Friday, November 09, 2012

Waxwing Waxwings in my Hand - Video

Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus
12 plus Waxwings still in my garden today....  plus a Great Tit. What fun! watch the video....


Sometimes still photos don't tell the whole story...


  1. Absolutely brilliant - I am in awe.

  2. LOL, battle royal.

  3. Fantastic Tommy! What a privileged close-up views you have shared of this visitor so far. However, to see video footage and hear the car alarm sound (that’s what I thought I was hearing when a large group came to a large tree near my garden) from the Waxwings brought my more distant sighting completely back to me.

    Inspired from previous images on your blog, today I have put half apples up on tree branches of a homemade feeder tree in my garden… lol the blackbirds may have them eaten before the waxwings get here! It’s fun watching out all the same. Would you be okay with me embedding this video on a blog post some time? I’d love to share it :-D
