Saturday, November 03, 2012

Henry & the Waxwings! hand feeding again!

Bohemian Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus
Hand feeding Waxwings again! but this time I got some video...
I am assuming you have seen Henry & my similar photos from 2 years ago? 
I always wished I had got video and today I did with a peak of over 50 waxwings in the garden today.




2 little ones & 2 big ones...

This fabulious Fair Isle Jumper was Hand Knit by Fair Islander Triona Thomson a few years ago for my wife Liz for Christmas. Henry has claimed it as his own now that he has grown into it.

Amazing Video! apple and birds in one hand pocket camera on video mode in the other hand...

On the Twitching Trees...

Other birds still about...
Siberian Rubythroat still here at the Auld Haa and skulky as ever.
Not only a rare lifer but a garden tick!
A surprise Water Rail in the garden
1 of 2 rare Great Tits frequenting the garden.

A young Long Tailed Duck - South Harbour

A Woodlark or 2? plus Blackcap & Chiffchaff are also still about.

These Waxwings photos are killing me...


  1. Absolutely fabulous! You are so so lucky. What a great experience. Still waiting for the Waxies to arrive in Edinburgh city centre. Shouldn't be too long now...

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  2. That photo with the waxwings on the branches (driftwood sculpture?) and the buildings in the background is just stunning. Rivals the one of Henry and the waxwings from last year. I still can hardly believe I lived on Orkney for over 10 years and never saw a waxwing - and the last 2 years there's been a real influx of them!

  3. Very cool, love the video especially of Henry. LOL, was just as thrilled to see Henry's Fair Isle sweater.

  4. Beautifull images...a nice junction between man and nature in a friendly way!
    Saludos from Spain!

  5. You added more pictures I love them. Excellent picture of you just after Henry holding the birds on the branch. You are highlighted in the sky and the bird's wings are a blur, very nice!

  6. Excellent photos and videos , especially like the " 2 little ones and 2 big ones "

  7. Thanks Folks! We just love sharing the photos & wish you were here to help feed the birds with us.

  8. Absolutely amazing pictures and videos. Thanks for sharing them.

  9. Lovely pictures! I'm hoping to go out and spot some waxwings next weekend, but I don't expect they will be as fearless as that.
    I've been lucky enough to hand feed the wild birds in Kensington Gardens. Robins, Starlings, Blue Tits and Great Tits will feed from your hand, but you sometimes have to fight the pigeons off first. I even had a curious Heron come and stand next to me, but the Tree Creeper was a little too shy.

  10. Kieron, Holmfirth14 November 2012 at 16:29

    Fab ! Ta !

  11. Beautiful pictures. Wonderful to see such a lovely place, so pristine. Thanks for sharing. Saludos from Venezuela

  12. Brilliant pictures remind me very much of time spent on Fair isle a few years ago working on the Tower.And the day that a Goldcrest flew inside the building absolutely exhausted we rescued him and delivered him down to the folk,s at the observatory.Great memories.

    1. That was nice of you - hope the Goldcrest recovered well.

  13. thank you. These are lovely. I've just seen my first waxwings in the car park behind Asda (they seem to like these places - interesting shopping habits) in Caernarfon today. People loitering with binoculars gave them away. Quite a thrill!

  14. Love these photos. The older I get and the more I observe birds, I have come to the conclusion that Cedar Waxwings are the most beautiful birds--I just think the subtle coloring of that buff, grey, tan, with the bright highlights in their wings and tails is just lovely. Ours only come for a few days and then are gone, always at unpredictable times, I would really love to hand feed them as depicted in these wonderful videos and pictures. Thanks.

  15. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing it

  16. This fabulious Fair Isle Jumper was Hand Knit by Fair Islander Triona Thomson a few years ago for my wife Liz for Christmas. Henry has ...

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  18. Amazing photos and videos. You are so lucky to live there.❤

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