1. Big Yawn.
Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica
Let me know which photo you like best?
Please, leave a comment at the bottom. I've numbered them to make it easy.
Yesterday evening I had a go with the Puffins and my camera on manual focus. I was up on the cliff edges near the North Lighthouse. Brilliant time every time. the camera loves Puffins!
2. Flash |
3. The Actress. |
4. The Beak. |
5, The Poser. |
6. The Hopeless Romantic. |
7. The Sun feels Good. |
8. Nesting Material. |
9. Three
10. At the Edge.
9. & 10. A couple of wide shots to show the setting at the cliff tops and the setting Sun.
11. Opera Lover. |
12. Deep in Thought. |
13. Sunshine on my Shoulders.
Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica Which Photograph is your Favourite? |