Monday, March 08, 2021

Ben Fogle - New lives in the Wild - Plein air Painting - Fair Isle & Tommy Episode.

Where the Wild Men Are. Fair Isle

Ben Fogle came back for a Fair Isle revisit episode in mid-October 2020
The Fair Isle - New Lives in the Wild is now being aired for the first time in the UK .
March 9th at 9pm on Channel 5 

The 2015 Channel 5  TV Promo Video

Seen on TV all over the world.
Dubbed and Subtitled in many languges.
It was funny to see myself talk in French and Hindi.

Sort of awkward... we had to be six feet apart at all times.

Ben looking at my Paintings before his art lesson.
Insparation for a bit of Plein Air Paiting of his own. 

Ben Fogle the Art Student

Artist: Ben Fogle - Auld Haa, Fair Isle - Oil Painting on Canvas - October 2020

Out-standing in his field, but not this one!

Ben didn't want to put the Paint Brushes down.
I could tell this was a challenge he wanted to spend more time with.
We had only 30 minutes of painting time, while also being on camera.
This was great fun though, I remember saying...
"The most important part of this painting is going to be the signature."

House Painting

Artist: T H Hyndman - Auld Haa, Fair Isle - Oil Paint on Canvas - 2020

Our oil paints of the Auld Haa Guesthouse on the French Easel.

My Quick Oil Painting Study of the Auld Haa

Me Landscape Painting 2015 
Ben Fogle - New Lives in the Wild - Drone Footage over Landberg a Bronze age fortifaction.

My Painting from that day.

T H Hyndman - Sheep Rockfrom Landberg - oil painting on canvas- 50cm by 20cm - June 2015


What a beautiful day for Plein air Painting that was...

Henry, Ben Fogle & Tommy Hyndman 2015

Henry & Tommy December 2020

Thank you, everyone. We hope you enjoy the show.
Cheers from Fair Isle.

Link to Tommy Art Gallery to view more works of my Art.


Thursday, March 04, 2021

Fair Isle Artist in Residency & Auld Haa Guesthouse Self-catering

New Adventure! I am starting the Fair Isle Residency Project. 
Artist - Adventurers - Scientists - Craftpeople
Creative types and hard workers wishing to stay 2 weeks or more can apply for this opportunity.

  If you are willing to stay in my Son's room while he is away at University and give me 20 hours a week of work we might be able to make an arrangement. The work would be physical, gardening, maintenance, house painting, cleaning, etc. After a video chat interview, if you are selected and a time slot is vacant and agreed upon, your stay at the Auld Haa will be self-catered with plenty of free time to enjoy Fair Isle and creative pursuits. If selected use of my Artist Studio at the South Lighthouse a close walk away will also be yours to use and enjoy. At the end of your stay, I would like a work of your art for my collection.

Only a few residencies a year will be offered. 
I am taking applications now for Spring 2021 (sometime in April or May)

   This may seem to be a great deal seeing how I sometimes rent Henry's room for £100.00 a day. Remember not to over idealize it. I'm sort of a wild guy needing some help getting some stuff done in a place it's hard to find people to help. I like to help other artists too, I know a visit to Fair Isle is an inspiration for a lifetime. If you have a grant or sabbatical and want to work out a longer stay without the work hours and a reduced rate let's talk. If you are traveling with a partner or friend let me know, that might work too. It's all new and I am working with new ideas.

Please contact me through my Facebook or Instagram messenger. 

A registered historic building and landmark owned by the National Trust for Scotland.

New Self-catering Accommodations

As Travel and Tourism start again I am offering Self-catering Accommodation. 
It's not the way I choose to have guests, it's how I can have guests safely.
A preference for longer visits from guests is the new normal.

Self-catering Prices - food can be bought at the Fair Isle Shop.

1 person, 1 room - £70.00 

2 persons, 1 room - £120.00     

Aerial picture of Fair Isle in case you don't know where you are going?

the blue room


Full Board Rates - When Back to Normal

Two small but charming rooms with shared bath, access to the dining room,
living room, Garden & Wireless Internet.

One large size bed in each room, very luxurious for one…
made to comfortably sleep two. Shared bathroom.

♦ Price includes Breakfast, Dinner & Dessert ♦
No Lunch

 Food is bought at full retail from Stackhoull Store. Supporting another Fair Isle business as well.

You can pay this much for just a room in most places in Britain.
And we are the most remote! not surprising most things cost more here.

Full Service Prices
 1 person, 1 room - £100.00 
2 persons, 1 room - £160.00 

The Auld Haa has two guestrooms and a third room if necessary, to accommodate children,  students, stranded day-trippers, and desperate birdwatchers when a rare bird is about... 
I may find a bed for you. So give Tommy a call. 01595 760 349

If you want Student Rates, (25 or under with student ID.)
Woofing or can help around the house and garden let me know.
Maybe we can work something out?
{Requires a Video Interview}

the red room

Guest Bathroom


This is not a fancy Guesthouse! no lace doilies here.
This is staying in a weird artist's home full of curious art and objects.
Be warned the Auld Haa is run by an independent wild man,
the type of person that would live on a remote island. 

I run the Guesthouse mostly alone,
or sometimes with help from my son or another Islander.

Family-style meals at a shared table. 
A very relaxed atmosphere.
The house cleaning could be better I know!
Most people think it is quite an experience, to say the least.
I have been welcoming guests to my home since 2007.
No one has died yet, but a few almost from laughing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fair Isle Lamb & Beach Art

Limpet Lamb - Found Object Beach Art

Little Lamb Detail


Perriwinkle Heart

Fair Isle Knitwear Pattern

Colour Transition


South Harbour

You can almost hear nothing it's so calm,
and then a Fulmar cackles and laughs.

After Glow

My Painting of the South Harbour at Sunset

Rare Fair Isle painting without Green or Blue paint.
(The canvas was painted blue underneath before I started)

Acrylic on Canvas - size A4 - For sale in my Art Gallery

                       Smile of the Fulmar on a pleasant afternoon...

Watching the Sunset waiting for the lighthouse to come on.

Fair Isle 


Good Night South Light