Sunday, January 15, 2012

Counting on Iceland Gulls

We always count on some White Winged Gulls  to make Winter birding on Fair Isle a bit more interesting.
but the reason they are here is most likely they are starving and looking for food.

As I found it on the South Harbour Beach
Henry & I have a closer look. I really need to learn taxidermy...
From a short distance they look pure white, but up close it is amazing to see the taupe coloured marbling

under side
back side
 Iceland Gulls
The Good News is that 7 other living individuals were counted today.
Warden David, Henry & I  did the rounds on a pleasant calm winter day.
Probably on of the warmest places in Britain today. (no Joke)
All the white wingers were seen in the south croftlands or the South Harbour.
Other birds of note: 10 Hooded Crow, 20 curlew & a Dunnock.

2 adults, 1 third winter, 4 first/second winter birds.
(total of 8 counting the dead one.) 
 See the Iceland Gull count results for all of Shetland
Adult Iceland Gull
Strong grey back like Herring Gull but no black wing tips

Juvenile -1st or 2nd Winter Iceland Gull
Pale creamy white all over

3 Iceland Gulls - South Harbour

I know it's a Iceland Gull but with sunsets like this any gull would do...

We saw 1 2 3 4 5 6 ticked by on the blog today...
Thanks Everyone!


  1. my uncle was a taxidermist!

  2. I know it's about the birds but oh what beautiful sunsets.

  3. Congrats on your 123456 views! Great blog!

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