Monday, May 28, 2012

Spotted Crake in Hand

Spotted Crake Porzana porzana
Adult male.


Asst. Warden Jason Moss caught this bird by hand while crawling and feeling around in ditches in the Chalet Garden. What can one say but... Well done! and THANKS! up until today I had only had brief & rubbish views of Spotted Crake. You know, flying silhouettes with danglely legs flushed and quickly diving into cover again with everyone reassuring me of it's identity. The Spotted Crake was ringed at the Fair Isle Bird Observitory in front of an enthusiastic group of vistors & staff. A really beautiful bird... if you ever get a chance to look at it.

The Spotted Crake was released back into the Chalet Garden where it was a blurr as it ran for cover.

Yellow / Orange Rosefinch
Photo by my 11 year old son Henry for more info see his blog "The Nature of Henry".


  1. Elena Mera-Long29 May 2012 at 06:18

    Very good photos Tommy!

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