Thursday, June 13, 2013

If you are Golfing all the Golf Courses in Scotland, you have to come to Fair Isle.

Extreme Golf! Playing the most remote golf  course in Scotland.

Alan McPherson, Craig Watson and Stuart Fleming are attempting to play all the golf courses in Scotland from scratch within 10 years. The most recent count in Scotland is approximately 625 golf courses.

Fair Isle Light house Keepers Golf Course was number 579 for Alan MacPherson, who wrote a wonderful trip report on his blog:

Craig Watson and Stuart Fleming detail their adventures on their website:

Shetland Times Golf Story:

More details of the Fair Isle Lighthouse Keepers Golf Course:

These three guys are having fun and going places... Watch the VIDEO... I'm still laughing!


Fair Isle Lighthouse Keepers Golf Course - Map

Maybe you should golf here "2"
Fair Isle is famous for birdwatchers twitching the little lost birds from Siberia and North America. Over the years I have seen all kinds "Twitchiers" Island Tickers. Coast Walkers. Hill Climbers, Knitting Pilgrimages, even Train Spotters. Yes, some fool wrote a book listing the rails and wench system that takes the Good Shepherd Ferry out of the water in times of bad weather as the shortest and most remote rail road in Britain. So some people have to come see it...  These three guys are the first ever to solely come to Fair Isle for a golfing tick. But I think they went away with a bit more, as all the Twitchiers do. Sometimes you need a little reason to get out there and see what happens, if you know what I mean? Hey, they all saw Puffins for the first time.
Puffins in the Simmer Dim

Alternative tee shot to the 3rd green known as the Fish Drier.
Instead of a sand trap this hole has a patch of stones historically used to dry fish in the sun.
Very challenging...Watch out! the ball could bounce any which way...
My son was very exited to play with real golfers for a change.
Top da Hill - Hole # 5

Alan is on edge chipping for birdie on the 6th Green.

The boys on the 6th - Muckle Uri Geo Fair Isle's Signature Hole.

My son Henry running to see Orca / Killer Whales off the 1st Green.
A hole locally known as "The Skadan"
see more photos and video of the whales:
The Simmer Dim 12:30am.
I would like to thank Alan for the 2 sets of clubs (1 men's & 1 women's) and for the new flags, replacing the old ones ripped to shreds by the winds. Plus a special thanks to the guys for donating so many balls into the Sea. All the best. Tommy


  1. I don't believe it! Didn't think there was room on the island for a golf course. Amazing.

  2. Great view I like the light house thing in the golf course I will try to play in Fair Isle one day! YEAH!

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  3. that looks like such an amazing experience! I would love to try it out one day. I have had some really amazing times at Golf Courses in Las Vegas and am always looking for something as wonderful

  4. Amazing how simple it can be to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your blog is like striking gold for golf aficionados such as myself! The effort you've put into curating such an extensive catalogue of golf courses is genuinely remarkable. I'm grateful for your willingness to share your expertise and love for the sport with everyone. Your blog doesn't just provide information; it's an invaluable resource for anyone plotting their upcoming golfing escapades.
