Two Redpoll in the garden late this afternoon. |
I woke up expecting this Crossbill that fed till dark yesterday to still be here but it was magically replaced by Siskin. With the numbers from 2 in the morning peaking at maybe 6 or 8? The feeders buzzed at dinner time putting on a show for our Birdwatcher B&B guests with the 2 added Redpolls stealing the show.
had to stop the car and take a photo of this on the way to the shop today. |
What is it? I got one photo of this bird and was only sure it might be a pipit? my guess would be Tree Pipit? Later after down loading my photos of the day I reviewed the the bird ID with my Collins Bird Guide and only got more confused. checking Pipits... Duh! maybe because it's a Lark! Skylark? |
Detail photo.
The modeling in the back of the neck? rounded wing coverts? short thick bill? and whats with that Eye and face? legs, etc. I find it doesn't fit neatly into any one species according to the book info. |
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